Schedule (and some thoughts) for Inauguration Day

Today is a historic day in the US. It is a time to reflect for a moment about what we are doing here (not just in school, but always and everywhere) and what it means to be a citizen of the United States. For me, the beauty of being an American is that it is a story of constant change and awesome possibilities. No matter where your family is from, or where in the story you get in, it becomes your story; and it becomes your choice as to how you add to that story. You get to be the villain or the hero that you choose to become here.posterone1

With that in mind, we will be setting up viewing areas for those interested in seeing the inauguration of Barack Obama today. We will have projectors and screens set up in the LMC and in the auditorium. The LMC is reserved for classes who signed up with Ms. Sasso-Flanagan. I am not sure who is supervising the sign-up for the auditorium – please check with the main office for more information.

For students and teachers who are interested in knowing what the Inauguration Day agenda looks like, it goes as follows:

Time        Event

8 am        Gates open for ticketed attendees

10 am     Preliminary festivities begin, including music by

                 The United States Marine Band, The San Francisco Boys Chorus

                 the San Francisco Girls Chorus

11 am     Internet broadcast begins at the Inaugural Committee web site.

11:30    Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks: Senator Dianne Feinstein

               Invocation: Dr. Rick Warren

               Aretha Franklin will sing

               Vice President-elect Joe Biden will be sworn into office

               Music composed by John Williams

Noon    As specified by the U.S. Constitution (20th Amendment), presidential terms of office begin and end at 12:00 noon on January 20.

12:05 pm President Barack Obama will give his inaugural address, speaking to the nation and world, for the first time, as President of the United States, followed by:

  • Poem: Elizabeth Alexander
  • Benediction: The Reverend Dr. Joseph E. Lowery
  • National Anthem: The United States Navy Band “Sea Chanters”

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you all have a great day.

Copyright © henry toromoreno, 2009. All rights reserved.