A new post … finally

               So we’re still in the middle of the coldest, harshest winter I can remember in the recent past, but we are almost at spring, so hang in there. It’s hard to start posting again after some time away. I sort of lose my groove if I miss my self-imposed Sunday deadline. Before I know it, three weeks (or months) have passed and I haven’t put together any ideas for the next blog post. The only way to get going again is to start posting again, so without further ado, here’s a list of random things that have accumulated on my desktop since last I wrote.

  • March is a very busy month in the Library Media Center (LMC) as we are closed for many days to accommodate MCAS retesting and Accu-placer testing. I am working to create a calendar tab on this blog that will allow anyone to see what days we are closed or hosting special events. In the meantime, please check the library calendar to see what days are available for visiting classes.
  • The Internet has run out of Addresses. Bob Brandon, our television and film guru happened to mention on Facebook that the internet had run out of addresses. A friend of his posted a link to the article from WIRED magazine, which I now pass along to you. It’s a fascinating story, because I think most of us just assumed that there would be an infinite number of available addresses forever. Turns out, it’s not so.
  • Nature informs architecture, presented by Michael Pawlyn: Using nature’s genius in architecture. How can architects build a new world of sustainable beauty? By learning from nature. At TED Salon in London, Michael Pawlyn describes three habits of nature that could transform architecture and society: radical resource efficiency, closed loops, and drawing energy from the sun. 
  • Are We Still Evolving? A documentary from the BBC which asks the question that also doubles as its title. This hour long program is fascinating as Dr. Alice Roberts travels around the world to visit people living in remote parts of the world to investigate if there are clues to where the human species may be heading. One of the experts they consult is right here in Massachusetts, the Broad Institute; a leading research firm that specializes in the human genome. 
  • BONUS silly dial up modem cartoon … the sound track alone is worth the visit.

I’ve still got a few more things in my pile, but I better save them for next week. Until then, stay warm and try radiating your own sunshine.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you find something worth your time.

 Copyright © henry toromoreno, 2011. All rights reserved.